So after months and months of research I finally caved and got a Keratin treatment done on my hair. I was very hesitant at first because of the stories of certain treatments containing formaldehyde. However, my friend finally recommended a hairdresser that has had experience with this kind of thing.
I ended up getting the Global Keratin treatment. and boyyyyyy do I recommend it! I always tell people how curly my hair is and they don't believe me because of how often I straighten it. Well- this time I have pictures to prove it. Sure, its a bit exaggerated because no one should brush out curls- it just looks like a hot mess. But I took a before and after picture to display the results.
It's been about a week since I got it done and I'm still trying to adjust to how easy my morning routine has become! I can literally walk out of the shower without applying hair products and my hair will not make me look like a crazy woman. I love it! Have any of you tried it??